How do families manage assisted living costs?
According to Genworth Financial’s Cost of Care Survey, the national median monthly cost of an assisted living facility in 2020 was $4,300 – $8,821, depending on the level of care. The projected median for 2022 is $4,562 – $9,358.
Our monthly rates for assisted living are considerately less than these averages – even for our higher level of care.
King’s Daughters Home is private pay facility, as are ALL other assisted living facilities. We are the only not-for-profit assisted living in the area. Our rates are comparable or less than other facilities.
What are financial options to cover assisted living costs?
Please consult with your trusted advisors (long term care advisors, insurance advisors, financial planners, tax attorneys, accountants, etc.) as you and your family plan to fund your move to assisted living and/or a nursing home.
Does insurance cover the costs for nursing care?
We do not take Medicare or other health insurances.
While people may qualify for Medicaid if their assets and income are limited, many nursing facilities (including KDH) do not accept Medicaid for payment.
Long-term care insurance can help cover the cost of a nursing home stay. Should you have a long-term care policy in place, then our staff will work with your family to obtain long-term care reimbursements.