
Looking for senior care resources?

When considering the options for senior care, our elders and their loved ones often have many questions.

  • When is the right time to move to assisted living?
  • What are the various levels of assisted living?
  • How much does senior care cost? And what does insurance cover?
  • What happens as my needs and abilities change?
  • If I need nursing care, will I have to move again? (At King's Daughters we offer nursing care in addition to assisted living, so residents can stay with us.)
  • My loved one is in the hospital or a skilled nursing facility now - what should we do when she/he is discharged?
  • How do I know if mom or dad is still safe at home?
  • An active life is still important to my loved one - where will I find that in an assisted living?
  • How will assisted living nurture my spirit?

If you have questions about assisted living options in the Midland area, we are here to help, and you can call us anytime during regular business hours at 989-839-9800.

We also offer events, workshops, and support groups at King's Daughters Home in Midland MI. You can join our mailing list or connect with us on Facebook to be kept up to date on the happenings here.