We asked Becky Peters, our charming Director of Social Work & Activities, to give us a brief overview of the ways that our elders have fun, learn, participate in the Midland community, and stay engaged. Without taking a breath, she rattled off the list below faster than a buttered bullet…
- Baking class
- Short stories
- Book club
- Men’s group
- Documentaries (travel and historical)
- Embroidery class
- Quilter’s club
- Crochet & knitting club
- Crafter’s cove
- Creative corner
- Creative coloring
- Painting & art classes – held outside in the courtyard in summer
- Pen Pal Club (with schools and community center)
- Bean bag toss
- Parachute game
- Balloon volleyball
- Noodle ball
- Bowling league
- Kickball
- Wii bowling
- Snowball fights
- Indoor golf
- Ladder ball game
- Horseshoes
- Ring toss
- “Fancy fingers” manicures
- Spa relaxation day with scented lotion hand + feet & shoulder massages
- Chair yoga
- Chapel (non-denominational daily)
- Churches visit weekly or monthly
- Rosary prayer
- Wine & cheese tasting
- Unique fruit of the month tasting – Just what does a dragon fruit taste like?
- Happy hour
- Krispy Kreme socials
- Pop Tart parties
- Soda pop shop flavored floats
- Rootbeer float party
- Ice cream socials
- Banana splits party
- Pizza and fizzy drink party
- Tea parties with special themes
- Make your own ice cream party
- Movie & popcorn night
- Monthly birthday parties
- Special parties for our residents on the day they turn 100
- Valentine’s Day party
- Saint Patrick’s Day party
- Mardi Gras party,
- Johnny Appleseed celebration
- New Year’s Eve celebration social
- Kentucky Derby party
- Nascar party
- Super Bowl party
- Football tailgate parties
- Mexican fiestas with piñata
- Hawaiian hula dancing
- Summer parties under the pergola
- Easter egg hunt including kiddos
- Halloween parade of costumes
- Mother’s Day tea
- Father’s day social
- Dessert date night for couples (romantic, candlelit, table for 2!)
- Veteran’s day celebration with pinning ceremony
- Yearly memorial service before Christmas to honor our residents we have lost over the past year
- Outdoor carnival
- Lunch w/ Santa
- BINGO! (card bingo, dawber bingo, zonk bingo, night owl bingo)
Yahtzee - Scrabble
- Pictionary
- Farkle
- Skip-Bo
- Dominos
- Hedbanz – the Guessing Game
- KDH buck auction
- Jeopardy trivia
- Finish the phrase
- Spelling bee
- Roll & remember
MUSIC – Featuring:
- The Bellatones
- Just Trombones
- Harmonica Hipsters
- Linda Lee on accordion (she comes from Frankenmuth)
- Sweet Adeline’s Barbershop Ladies Group
- As well as our own sing alongs
OUTINGS (At least 1 per week):
- Lunch trips- Olive Garden, Lucky’s Steakhouse, China Palace, Grand Traverse Pie Company, and sooooo many more restaurants. We like to eat!
- Shopping at the Dollar Tree, Walmart, Meijer, Kohl’s, Marshalls, The Midland Mall, etc.
- Chippewa Nature Center
- Dow Gardens – Butterfly Expo in the spring
- Many outdoor lunchtime concerts and walks in the summer at Dow Gardens
- Laurent Bros. Candy & nut Shop in Bay City
- Currant Mist Winery for wine tasting
- Bayne’s & Leehman’s apple farms
- Fishing trips
- Creative 360 Art Gallery trip
- Midland Center for the Arts – music shows & plays
- Area schools for plays and music concerts
- Christmas Light Tour
- Color Tour in the Fall
- Band Shell Concerts in summer
- Outdoor picnics with the area school children
- Outdoor neighborhood walks
- Library trip
- Great Lakes Loons Baseball Games – Where it’s one, two, three strikes, you’re out…
- Santa Parade with our bus!
- Yearly outing to Bronner’s in Frankenmuth!